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The new Olarm PRO 4G is designed to offer connectivity improvements for customers currently experiencing related issues on 2G networks. especially in areas poorly serviced by 2G signal.


  • 5–layer connectivity: 4G & 2G mobile networks (Vodacom & MTN) and WiFi
  • Future-proofing: connectivity to the latest availble network technology for maximum longevity
  • Fast speeds mean Olarm PRO is even more responsive


One App for all your security

  • Quickly switch between your various properties. sites and security devices.
  • Manage users in each account and get a full breakdown of all live activity – anytime. anywhere.


Make your security smart

  • Seamlessly integrates the world's most trusted alarm brands and Nemtek electic fences.
  • The hardest part is locating our alarm panel (usually hidden in a cupboard somewhere!). Once connected. Olarm PRO 4G automatically configures itself to your alarm panel settings. 


R1,299.00 Regular Price
R1,273.02Sale Price
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